Anais Nin said, "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."
I believe in absolute truth; but, I think our inherent subjective nature keeps us from knowing that truth. In order to see things clearer; I seek to venture beyond my distorted perceptions. I study all different religions, world views, and personal spiritual beliefs. When I put these together I look for common themes. I think that these common themes are closer to absolute truth. Such as love, the golden rule, karma, charity, etc.
I personally believe that there is something that unites us all (life and the universe). We are all one. That some people sense this or have subjective experiences that attest to this. But I don't believe humans are capable of finding objective metaphysical evidence.
Instead of believing all religions are true. I believe they are all useful in seeking the truth. While I don't believe anyone can find the truth; seeking is a beautiful thing.
I believe everyone is a teacher. Whether through observing their actions, their history, their ideas. How they have overcome, how they have accomplished their goals, how they have failed. It is all valuable.
I believe in human autonomy. Due to our subjective natures, we are all unique individuals with unique paths ahead and behind us. No one can truly direct the steps of another. Even though you want what is best for another; doesn't mean you know what is best for them. I know that what works for me may not work for someone else. Better to assume my advice is just another option that they may not have considered.
Really, that's all we can offer each other in the realm of knowledge: many options.
The best thing we can offer is love and support as we journey together into becoming more. Also, to treat people as they wish to be treated.