22 August 2008


I'm tired of having to vote for asshats. I know voting for a third-party candidate is just going to give one of the asshats a better chance at being elected. In our voting system now, I've essentially wasted my vote because my candidate has no chance in winning. So now I have to vote for the "lesser evil" and that really sucks.

The asshat may still win, but at least I got to vote for who I really wanted.

I'm tired of this two party system controlling everything.

Approval voting

Citizens for Approval Voting

Instant runoff voting


Here's a good site that interactively explains IRV

As a side note, I wonder if electronic cash register technology can be used for voting. I mean, your choices are entered into the computer (like in the self-checkout line). You get a receipt (paper copy of computer ballot) . The information goes to the main computer for tallying. If any problems arise, citizens can submit their copy to be recounted. (remembering to always make multiple copies of any important documents)

04 August 2008

The Way

The way is long...
let us go together
The way is difficult...
let us help each other
The way is joyful...
let us share it
The way is ours alone...
let us go in love
The way grows before us...
let us begin
