25 June 2014

A true Republic

A truly representative Government

I'd like to change the voting system to be more representative
A person could petition for a seat and if they get the apportioned amount of signatures, they get a seat. And anyone can revoke their signature at any time.  When the number of signatures goes below the apportioned amount, they lose their seat.

article 1
section 2
The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five and Georgia three.


Or what if, a person campaigned to be a representative in congress.
That person got 30,000 people to sign a contract with them. The contract stated that they would be the representative for that 30,000 people.

One argument is that congress would become too big
The efficiency of decision making goes down as the number of decision makers goes up

23 June 2014

Life of a politician

If something good happens during your reign, your supporters say you get all the credit;
Your critics say it happened in spite of you
If something bad happens, your critics say it's all your fault;
Your supporters say you had nothing to do with it

And you just do what you are told

17 June 2014

Self sustainment

Self sustainment should start with self.  Every person should be able to do as much as possible to support themselves without outside influence.  This could be taught by the family, self taught, or schooled.
Then the community should be self sustaining.
Not relying on state or national governments, not relying on national corporations.

16 June 2014

No Truth in Your Media

Don't watch much Television
Don't trust what I hear on the radio
All Biased
All incomplete
There may be facts but no truth
It's all make believe
It's all one sided
Not much to rely on
No role models
No healthy examples
Question what you see
Question what you read
Question what you hear

What happened to true journalism?
What happened to the what, where, who, when, and how?
Now we have the pundit.  People who rarely know what they are talking about but think everyone should care about their opinion.
The news exists, not for facts or truth, but for ratings and advertising.
Say what the people want to hear so they buy the stuff that is paying your salary.
And we are all left to do our own research, or more likely, not care anymore.