26 September 2014

The real first law of economics

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need

Morelly 1755

Code of Nature

Another perspective

24 September 2014

Commission based economy

What if everyone was paid commission if their labor resulted in the sale of a product?
Even minimum wage workers 
What if everyone got a percentage of the company's profits based on their contribution to the profit?

Profit sharing for all

12 September 2014

Promote the General Welfare

It's in Everyone's best interest if all citizens (and all humans for that matter) have adequate shelter, nutritious food, healthcare and Education
I could add transportation and access to information.
These are things that one can give themselves (all resting on education). More likely, these are things they get from someone else.
Should they have all access to these things? Equal to everyone else in society? Or should they have access according to their ability to compensate?
Should the person providing these services be forced to provide the service to all (even if they do not want to provide the service to some or any). Or should society allow a larger market of providers?

The holder of a negative right is entitled to non-interference,
while the holder of a positive right is entitled to provision of some good or service.

06 September 2014

Take the first step

Kind of tired of U.S. citizens demanding that the government take care of problems.
Especially military intervention in foreign countries.
But it also goes for protection in your own home.  Or assistance for housing and food.
Any able bodied American can raise money and procure transportation to fight the fights they want to.
We are able to change our economic structure by supporting ourselves.  Refuse to work for and buy from corporations that disrespect us as workers and consumers
Any community is able to support it's people.

All without the government.

05 September 2014

Healthy fear of relationships?

I don't want to be with anyone who will stress me the fuck out
But that's almost everyone I've met

What I want labeled

Organisms genetically modified with materials outside of its species

04 September 2014


Unsolicited advice
Your opinion isn't as important as you think it is
Grown ass people don't have to take your advice
Most don't want it

No matter how bad you think someone else is fucking up.  It's not your place. You don't have enough information to make informed decisions about other people's lives.
It's not your job to instruct/police/reprimand other grown ass people
Let people live their lives and make their mistakes

Personal responsibility

If anything, live by example
be the change...
Set boundaries for yourself
Protect yourself

Change comes from within.
Lessons come from the family and community.

Who are you to tell grown ass people how to live their lives?

When you see other people making decisions you don't like, look at your own life