15 July 2016

Confucius said...there is peace in the world

When things are investigated, then true knowledge is achieved;
When true knowledge is achieved, then the will becomes sincere;
When the will is sincere, then the heart is set right;
When the heart is set right, then the personal life is cultivated;
When the personal life is cultivated, then the family life is regulated;
When the family life is regulated, then the national life is orderly;
And when the national life is orderly, then there is peace in the world.

11 July 2016

All Lives Matter?

The tool of imperialism is divide and conquer.
Those in power only remain in control when the oppressed are in fear of each other.
When the oppressed justify the oppression of others.

When everyone in America sees themselves in a person killed by the police, we will know justice.
When people stop making excuses for those who kill others.
When people stop justifying the murder of others.
We will unite.

All Lives Will Matter When We All Act Like It

10 July 2016

Deep Thought

Culture is a spectre
when communities are falling apart
Who knows their neighbor?
Who supports their neighbor?
Rites of passage that bring children into adulthood
that give them purpose amongst their people

The reality that harms us all or lifts us all

Deep Thought

Culture is a spectre
when communities are falling apart
Who knows their neighbor?
Who supports their neighbor?
Rites of passage that bring children into adulthood
that give them purpose amongst their people

The reality that harms us all or lifts us all

09 July 2016

The World Is Ours

Every generation must ask 
how do we interact with each other 
What must we prevent
What is sacred
How do we share information
what consequences do we face when we break contracts
cause suffering 
how do we prevent harm to ourselves and one another 
these questions cannot be answered by previous generations
How do we organize ourselves
How do we use resources
How do we live together
How do we support each other

There is always a better way
Always room for improvement
We have come so far technologically 
Yet we can't resolve conflict without taking lives
We can do better

07 July 2016

Letter to My Representatives

Gun Control for Civilians and Law Enforcement.

I have served in the U.S. Navy. We are trained that Deadly Force is only justified in certain circumstances including self defense and the defense of others. Deadly force may only be used when lesser means cannot be reasonably employed or have failed and the risk of death or serious bodily harm to innocent persons is not increased by its use. We shall give an oral warning before using deadly force. I have been trained in less than lethal means of handling threats. 

We adhere to principles of threat assessment. We can not use deadly force against someone unless they show capability, opportunity and intent to cause death or serious bodily harm. We know that intent is the hardest thing to decipher, but merely possessing a weapon is not a show of intent. Especially in countries where weapon possession is legal. 

 We also adhere to the principle of disciplined restraint. We are aware of the implications of using deadly force in a foreign land against foreign military or civilians. We are training to assess a situation to use less than lethal methods even if deadly force is justified.

I do not understand how I, as a member of the military providing security in foreign lands, am more restricted in my use of deadly force than those in the United States providing law enforcement amongst our fellow citizens. From what I have read, U.S. law enforcement agents receive much of the same training military members do with regard to deadly force. Why is deadly force used before other less than lethal means? Why are people being shot if a police suspects they have a weapon, when having a weapon is supposed to be a right protected by the Bill of Rights and various state constitutions? Why is law enforcement so afraid of U.S. citizens to the point where they feel threatened enough to take someone’s life, even when that person did not have the capability, opportunity, or intent to harm them or anyone else?

The government, including law enforcement, should not be taking the lives of U.S. citizens. The right to Life should be held in highest regard by the government and citizens of the United States. Protected above all other rights. Even the lives of convicted criminals, the poor, those with mental health issues and even those who are committing crimes that are not capital offenses.

In order to carry a weapon in the U.S. military, I have to be qualified on that weapon. I have to complete various trainings for each weapon I carry. Semi-annually, I have to shoot that weapon in a controlled environment and meet minimum standards. I have to carry a weapon’s card stating what weapons I am qualified to carry. I have to sign documents stating I understand the use of these weapons in my duties to the United States and I have to adhere to the Lautenberg Amendment. There are other disqualifying factors such as mental health that would bar me from carrying a weapon. If I do not adhere to all of these requirements, I am not allowed to carry a weapon. 

I believe all U.S. citizens should have to meet these requirements and receive the training I have in order to carry a weapon. There is a greater responsibility that needs to be respected when carrying a weapon in public. I honestly don’t care what people do or have on their private property, but, when they enter public places with objects that are designed to kill, there should be minimum standards they must meet.
I would like to see an age requirement to have weapons in public. I would like to see written and practical tests and continuing education requirements. I believe weapons should be registered and people should be licensed to carry each type of weapon. I would also like to see an insurance requirement for possessing weapons in public.

I also understand the right to use deadly force for self defense and the defense of others. I understand the right to possess firearms for hunting. I do not understand civilians possessing fully automatic weapons for either of those purposes. Fully automatic weapons were designed for use by military forces, not for personal security or hunting.

Restrictions on automatic weapons will not prevent all gun violence; but, if the next incident reported 5 people being killed instead of 12, 27 or 49, that is a vast improvement.

If all lives matter, then we all need to start acting like it. Take active measures to protect the lives of ALL U.S. citizens.

05 July 2016

The Way Of The World

Everyone on this planet has a place amongst each other.
Someone seeks to control us and we seek to control someone else.
This may be temporary to achieve a specific goal.
Or this could be permanent to maintain authority and power.
The tactics used to establish control.
Hegemony, fear, force, fraud, pseudoscience, religion.
Using people's physical attributes to establish some system of superiority.
Divide and conquer
Pitting people against each other

The Book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes)
All this have I seen,
and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun
There is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt

The Way Of The World

Everyone on this planet has a place amongst each other.
Someone seeks to control us and we seek to control someone else.
This may be temporary to achieve a specific goal.
Or this could be permanent to maintain authority and power.
The tactics used to establish control.
Hegemony, fear, force, fraud, pseudoscience, religion.
Using people's physical attributes to establish some system of superiority.
Divide and conquer
Pitting people against each other

The Book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes)
All this have I seen,
and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun
There is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt

04 July 2016


The idea that you can live your own life without anyone else's permission



  •  the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
  •  organized activity in support of women's rights and interests
  • 1  the theory of the politicaleconomic, and social equality of the sexes
  • 2  organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests

First use1895

Live without outside Opinion, input or restrictions