Life, Liberty, Property
Not only inalienable rights; but the basis for all human action and interaction.
What people live for, die for, and kill for. This principle doesn't only apply to humans but all life.
Animals seek to defend against anything that threatens their life, liberty and property. They will even kill to protect these things.
Humans are animals. We live by the same basic principles as other animals do. We will do whatever it takes to protect our life, liberty, and property. What's different is The threats aren't as cut and dry as they are in the rest of the animal kingdom. We have to decide if the threat is great enough to warrant taking another's inalienable rights. There really is no such thing as a perceived threat to other animals. If the lion sees you, it's going to try to eat you. Lions stalk to kill, not to terrorize.
The only difference between humans and animals is method (technology) and assuming other people care what we think (higher language). The desires are the same; have and will always be the same. Eat, sleep, fuck, live.
In human society, we've created a system, justice, that allows authority figures to decide if these rights are actually being infringed upon and the proper retribution for that infringement.
We've decided that a civil society can not allow individuals to take away another's life, liberty, and property without the consent of the rest of society (due process of law). Even if one kills in defense of their own life, it is still brought before a court so others can validate the act.
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