17 March 2013

Abortion legislation

...is a waste of time.
What's the difference between a legal abortion and an illegal abortion? A woman with greater health risks and some jail time. According to the NYTimes , legal or illegal doesn't stop women from getting abortions.

When does life begin? Does it really matter? We kill various forms of life without regard to when it's life began.
When does a human have rights? A question along the right track; but, one that no one can agree on. Continuous argument gets us nowhere.

cdc abortion surveillance

The solution is to reduce unintended pregnancies. Actually, the solution is to reduce unprotected sex.

Of course abstinence is the best method; but is it the most reasonable method?

Let's try something revolutionary... proper education.
Let's set our prepubescent children down with the GYN. Let's use professionals to explain sexual health to our children. Leave no stone unturned.
Let's teach our children what sex is and why the human animal wants to have sex. Show them that sperm and eggs really don't care if you can afford a child or if it's just a one night stand.
Let's teach them about the many infections caused by irresponsible choices. Teach them about the millions who have died each year.

Let's teach them how to use contraception effectively and consistently.

Let's make birth control easily available and affordable

Let's set good examples for our children; showing them what a healthy relationship looks like.

I don't think life really has anything to do with it
There is a big difference between life (what is considered a living entity) and personhood (what has rights that should be protected)

Scientifically, sperm, eggs, growing broccoli, deer, and various other things are alive. None of those have protected rights.
The real issue is over a legal term (personhood) that can change with the circumstances

There are people who want to give all animals personhood status
Some Animals are protected when their species is endangered and we deem their life important enough to protect. And when their numbers grow, we lift those protections.

We've always decided what life is sacrosanct and what is not.

Life is not defined by survivability in a certain condition. Just because an embryo cannot survive in a different environment does not negate its life. The question is whether a fertilized egg is somehow more important than a living sperm or egg.

Whatever criteria we use to define personhood will always be arbitrary to me.

An odd analogy is the idea that you have the right to use deadly force against Someone who is taking or destroying your property.
We've already decided that property is more important than life

It may seem like an asshole thing to mention, but most abortions are about a woman not being able to care for a child. It's usually a money (property) issue.

I'm pro choice only because I think legislation against abortion is futile. I think it is a decision that should be made by the mother with no pressure from outside sources.
That being said, I don't want anyone to have an abortion
I think all life is sacrosanct and i would rather look at access to education and access to birth control that would prevent a person from having to make that decision

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