05 July 2010

Was Buddha in love?

So I've tried love the Buddha way. It kinda works with family and friends and strangers on the street. Doesn't work when you're in love. The whole non-attachment thing is a complete contradiction.
He was right. Life is suffering. Full of suffering that we bring on ourselves because of our attachments. We can end the suffering by getting rid of our attachments. Then there's the eightfold path to ending that suffering.
I've noticed the eightfold path says nothing about being in love.
Maybe I haven't looked hard enough. But I'd assume it asks you to never fall in love. Because that's the only feasible way to stay clear of attachment.
It all sounds so logical (even though it's not); but what about love?
What about that other person who is that craving and attachment. What about the wave that crashes over you that you can't stop. You can't run from. You can't be dispassionate. No matter how hard you try.
So, I don't think Buddha was ever in love.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your helpful Post, I hope you have a good day!. :)
You nicely summed up the issue. I would add that this doesn’t exactly concenplate often. xD Anyway, good post…

Anonymous said...

cool forum a lot of information