26 August 2010

don't care what love wants

I want to love you
I want to be with you
I want to support you
I want to experience the world with you
I want to make you happy
I want to share in your happiness
I want to grieve with you
I Want to cheer you up
I want to learn from you

I don't want to cry for no reason
I don't want to feel insecure
I don't want to always wonder when it will end
I don't want to wonder if you really want me
I don't want to feel like a fool
I don't want to feel fear when I think of you
I don't want to feel like my love is in vain
I don't want to need assurance that you still want to be with me

I realize I'm in over my head
I don't want to control you or this relationship
I just want to feel like I have some control over myself
I want to be happy and feel supported
I want to be loved

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