29 April 2011

Yin Yang

Masculinity and femininity have been around longer than it's appropriate to argue about.
The concepts exist in the universe.
They aren't social constructs
They weren't made up by our oppressive societies.
The ideas are pure in themselves

We are fucking up the balance.
Creating false imbalance.
The person with the penis holds all the masculinity
The person with the vagina holds all the femininity
Every living being holds both.
We rarely cultivate the balance within ourselves
Then we look to others to correct this deficiency.
Instead of working with our true measures,
we try one extreme and force the rest upon someone else.
In being true to yourself, you will find your balance.
You will bring honor to the other by dignifying their balance.

Scientifically, men and women have testosterone and estrogen (hormones that supposedly govern sex). On average, Men have more testosterone than women and women have more estrogen. On average. Meaning there are men and women who live outside of this average. I understand that high levels of testosterone in women and estrogen in men cause health problems
But, this post is about balance.

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