19 June 2012

I hate assholes

First I want to start with a definition

noun vulgar slang

One who makes someone suffer for their own pleasure or gain
One who finds pleasure in other people's suffering
(that they did not cause)
or uses it for their own gain
One who causes suffering and has no remorse
or makes excuses/justifications for it
or minimizes it.
One who sees someone else suffer and shows no compassion
minimizes the suffering or makes justifications for it.

General condescension
Concentrating on the faults of others

Liars. I know everyone, including myself, has told a lie and probably will in the future.
But, I acknowledge that dishonesty is an asshole trait.
And a very subtle asshole trait is not acknowledging others as human beings.
Whether it be someone who is serving you dinner, ringing up your new shoes, or passing you on the street. To try your hardest to dismiss their exist...


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