19 April 2012

Emperor of the U.S.A: Education

The foundation of my Empire would be education.
Reading, writing, and arithmetic for everyone

The focus would be autonomy, self-sufficiency, charity, and critical thinking
Focus on knowledge and skills needed to take care of yourself and your community.

Businesses take responsibility for training their people.
On the Job training and apprenticeships
Tuition reimbursement

Turn schools into library/learning centers
With all media and tools needed for learning

Children/parents would determine what they wanted to learn. When they wanted to learn it.

Teachers would become facilitators.
Showing people where to get information.
How to research.
How to use the scientific method.
How to discern information.
How to present information through writing, speaking, art and other mediums.
How to resolve conflicts

*originally posted Nov 2011

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