16 October 2012

Emperor of America

Start with affirmation of freedom

We are all fully autonomous beings.
We have ultimate, final authority over our own life, liberty, happiness, safety, and property.

People are free; only restricted when their actions harm others.
Only obligated to the contracts they make with others.

Stating that the Constitution is a document defining the powers and
responsibilities of the Federal government. 
More importantly, defining the limitations/restrictions of the government.
The rights and freedoms of the people are inherent. 
The constitution does not grant rights; it guarantees them.

There will be no legislation against personal actions.
Or actions between informed, consenting individuals.

The 9th and 10th amendment especially confirmed
All laws restricting freedoms that do not infringe on the life,
liberty, and property of others are not enforced. They are Suggestions/recommendations or outright abolished.
All federal entities not explicitly mentioned in the constitution are
turned over to the states.

All federal regulations and executive orders are turned over to congress for review and approval. Any regulation/order that is not explicitly supported by the constitution is turned over to the states for their review and approval. 

Federal workers have option of being absorbed by the states
or creating a private non-profit oversight/research entity with no
government powers

Economic policy
People are free to participate in any consensual exchange of goods,
services, and labor
Free of fraud, coercion, abuse

Abolish income tax.
State consumption taxes that exempt all essential needs under a certain price
This would be agricultural product sales, non-elective medical procedures, primary residence
States allocate a portion of their revenue to the federal budget

All government assistance programs converted to community service programs.
Anyone who takes from the community must give back to the community.

Defense policy
Focus on defense
Less use of military for foreign conflicts. More covert/drone operations.
Only operate in foreign countries if the people insist on our help and
they compensate us for our protection

Consensual democracy
Preferential Voting
National referendums
Every bill in congress is sent to every citizen for approval before a vote in congress
National initiatives

All laws expire after 20 years

Term limits for Congress and Judges
12 years for Congress
16 years for judges

A person campaigning to be a representative in the house:
They would have to sign a contract with at least 30,000 individuals in their state. Those contracts state that they will be the representative for those citizens residing in that state.
(there might be an issue with the size of congress. Contract would have to be signed by about 500,000 to keep current number of representatives)

Line item vote on congressional bills
A bill will only have one subject. No pork

Reaffirmation of all judges every 4 years.

Federal reserve will be controlled by the federal government.
No private entities involved.
precious metals measured in grams.

*post called emperor of America because u would have to be emperor in order to make changes like this

*original post Jan 2012
Apr 2012

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