16 August 2014

The problem with democracy

First problem,
We have never seen pure democracy
The USA is a plutocracy. A plutocratic republic

People are naturally biased.
People are going to vote their own interests
or their own fantasies

They believe their interests are what is best for others
Or they don't give a fuck about other people
When people vote on an issue
They don't necessarily go the way of equality, freedom, and justice for all

Bias isn't a danger to democracy
Lack of critical thinking is the danger
Bias is human nature. It's how our brain works

We have to realize that we can't combat bias

We need to understand that we are naturally going to find things and support things that promote our ideas

I am going to have a hard time looking at and swallowing things that go against my ideas.
We need to come to this realization and get passed it.

We need to take all the sources of biased information and investigate them

Then We can go on to making informed decisions

*original post 2012-02-16 14:51
*2012-03-20 10:52

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