you want people to be more comfortable with their sexuality. These new generations are just that.
If you want people to come out of the closet, you're going to have to deal with the fact that most of them are not going to be like you.
The people coming out of the closet don't act like you, they don't like what you like, they don't look like you, they don't like your labels.
This is something older lesbians are going to have to get over.
You get pissed when women identify as lesbians but sleep with/kiss men. So no one wants to identify as lesbian anymore
you talk shit about/ostracize anyone who identifies as bisexual, so no one wants to identify as bisexual.
People are now in a place where they don't feel the need to identify as anything, they will get shit from all sides for whatever they choose to identify as.
Teenagers don't even know what the hell they are. They discover. They don't need a label. They don't need to act the way you want them to
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