18 July 2014

Sexist thought of the day

Men set lower standards for women because they think women are inferior.
Then they get mad because women are held to lower standards.
Then when women try to reach higher standards, men laugh at them or tell them to stop trying because they think women are supposed to be inferior.
Or men are disgusted/outraged because they think the women are trying to be manly...
Hence the reason you should do whatever the fuck you want
and set whatever goals you want for yourself
Realize you're probably going to fight for what you want.
And when you reach your goal, cherish those who supported you
and piss on those who tried to stop you by offering to help them reach their goals (don't worry, their pride will usually stop them from accepting your help).

and hold a moment of silence for those women who think women are inferior and don't support other women in reaching their goals.

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