05 January 2015

Post-Racial America?

Apparently the greater society decided to stop being racist.
Not quite sure when this happened. I assume people think it happened after the Civil Rights Movement.
Let's take a moment to look back. Slavery was made illegal by government. Not by a vote of the people. 
And slavery still exists.
Civil Rights were given by force of federal government. Not by a vote of the people.
The people have never just decided to stop being prejudiced or bigoted. There is no point in history where you can point and say that racism (or any -ism) was eradicated.
The people opposed these advances. The current silence is not a sign of acceptance.

Let's look at it in the present situation. Gay marriage has been made legal in several states. Some by court order, some by legislation. Few by popular vote. And when it did pass by popular vote, it never reached 60%.
Still plenty of people who oppose it. And when the government makes it legal everywhere, there will still be a good portion of people who oppose it. People won't just accept gay marriage or other gay rights because they were made legal.
Same is true for race and sex. Just because government forces compliance, doesn't mean the base opposition is destroyed.

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