27 September 2015

Health Tips

Make Weekly changes
One goal per week
Make slow gradual changes
Review entire list every week to track your adherence to past goals.
If you dropped one of your past goals, make it your present goal instead of going on to a new goal. 
Below is a list of standard goals in no order that is of importance to you

  • Track everything for one week
Track eating
-type, time, amount
Track activity
Track sleep
Track natural Schedule
...Track everything

  • Fix sleep

6 to 8 hours every night
Go to bed and wake up same time everyday

  • Water
2-4 liters per day
1 cup every waking hour
Start with 2 cups in the morning
2 cups before every meal
2-3 cups before a workout

  • Introduce balance in meals
every meal except snacks includes:
Whole grains

  • If sedentary,
get up and move around 
for 2-5 minutes,
every hour,
up to every 1/2 hour

  • Eat healthy carb and protein before and after workout
Snack size before workout
Also Add healthy fat after workout

  • First 30 minutes of your day:
Do most convenient cardio
If you can't do 30 min at a time,
Accumulate throughout the day
Up to an hour every day

  • Eat the nutritious things first

veggies/fruits/whole grains/dairy/lean meats

  • Introduce more veggies and fruit
At least 1 cup per meal
Make these your snacks

  • Introduce strength training
Basic moves to be done at least twice per week:
Hip hinge

  • Switch to all Whole grains
Read the ingredients.
Look for the item that has the least ingredients and the most natural ingredients.

    • Increase protein
    Up to 1 gram per pound lean body mass
    1/2 if you don't want to gain strength or muscle

    • Set fitness goal
    Performance not aesthetic 
    Go faster, go longer, get stronger
    Get a personal trainer to teach you proper form,
    devise a training plan
    6 months maximum with trainer

    • Frequency of meals
    Every 2-4 hours
    If every 2 hours:
    veggie/fruit snacks in between full meals

    • Make appt. with dietitian every year,
     if you can't keep a consistent nutrition plan 

    • More on Strength training
    Train twice a week,
    Then three days per week,
    up to Four days a week
    if you want to gain strength and muscle 
    -split: upper/lower body or push/pull (anterior/posterior chain)

    • Get a massage once a month

    • endurance
    -15 reps (or 30 sec), 3 to 5 sets,
    decrease the rest time between sets every week
    from 30 seconds to 45 to 60 seconds per set

    • strength training
    -5 reps, 3 to 5 sets
    Increase 5# every week

    • Strength training

    Is about volume
    no set length of workout
    mentality should be:
    get reps in and get out

    • Strength training

    active rest
    walking/bike/row at low intensity
    3-5 minutes between sets
    1 hour on rest days.

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