04 January 2009

Universal Health Care

Quality, Affordable Health Care for All
Don't know what that should look like though
The best option would be individual health care savings accounts.
That would be great if health care was actually affordable.
Utopia would be that I would only pay for health care when I need it and it would be affordable.

I'd get rid of insurance companies
Health care insurance says we know that health care costs too much so we'll pool together money from many different people and use that money to pay for care of patients.

I would rather health care insurance be democratic. Ran by those who pay into it.

Hospitals competing for business
Upfront competitive costs

Patients actively shop for health care. Not just take what they are given

Deregulate health care. It's a practice not an exact science
Allow alternative medicine providers more freedom in the market.
With that comes the increased responsibility of giving the patient more information as to what they are getting themselves into

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