07 November 2009

Hormones and Gender/Sexuality cont.

ANYWAY, I think all this is a testament to our evolving body.

Basically I think anything that has to do with sex, (biology and behavior) has to do with hormone levels; how much you have, when they were introduced, and where they were introduced. Genes are supposed to determine the how much, when, and where but sometimes they don't work like we think they should. If you want to talk about "gay" genes then figure out which genes control our sex hormones. I don't think there is a particular gene that makes us gay; I think the genes that determine our sexuality don't produce the same results for everyone.

I guess my half-ass conclusion is that gender and sexuality aren't as concrete as some might think. Hormones are the key to all the sexual/gender variations we see in life.

I'm open to all feedback. Professional feedback would be awesome.
It's a growing post...

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