03 September 2010


Just discovered that walls built up to protect actually hinder the healing that needs to take place.
Realize that you're wounded and you need healing more than protection.
If you're already wounded then you need healing, it's too late for protection.
A wall is like a pain killer but the pain always comes back. The only way to stop the pain for good is to heal the wound
To heal a wound you often need to expose it. Let it air out.
This love has exposed something within me
Something I need to stop ignoring
I'm learning so much and it is a bit painful
I realize that i don't even know what the tears are really for
Is my heart aching for more
Is my heart rejoicing in the love that I've found
Is it a release of all the toxins in my heart
Is it confusion or frustration
So much can be going on
Maybe all at once
But to realize that maybe it's all coming from the inside out
I need to let go
Realize that my need to control myself is misguided

Asking myself if I really love myself
Putting all this theory into action
Seeing what I'm really made of
That I speak of non-attachment but
What logic really controls my heart

To know that I'm Worthy of love is different than actually believing it.

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