04 August 2011


I try not to be a, "This is how it has to be" person.
I'm all about options

There are many ways to do things
Many ways to see things
Vast interpretations
Many perceptions
Various consequences
Multiple actions.

We need more options.
The more choices people have
The more choices a society has
The better off we all are.
This is freedom.

To find a system, way of life, that works for you
Find what is healthy for you
If you want, find like minded people to share your way of life

And let others do the same

Understand that your way isn't THE way.
and it doesn't have to be

Humans are not inherently enslaved
They enslave themselves
We are not predestined or predetermined
We have a predisposition, a tendency
From Chromosomes to genes to epigenetics to the womb to biology to  the environment
So many divergent paths.

Humans don't have to act a certain way or be a certain way.
There are choices in behavior

Evolution shows that variation is key
We are all different.
We're not supposed to be the same
If we were not diverse, we could not change.
If we can't change, we can't evolve.
If we can't evolve, we can't survive

Do other animals have choices?
Are they more limited than ours?
The only real difference I see between humans and others.

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