04 August 2011

Step Up

The speech I want to hear from Obama:
OK 'Job creators', I'm going to stop asking you to pay your fair share through taxes because republicans won't let it happen.
I am going to ask you to step up. Your taxes are lower than they have been in decades. You are reaping stellar profits. We are working to reduce regulations. You have no excuse.
You need to start creating jobs. Prove that free markets work.
We are cutting spending, so many Americans will be out of jobs and many will lose much needed assistance.
If charities are so much better than government assistance and Americans are so philanthropic, Prove it.
Step up to take care of those Americans who will lose out on these spending cuts.
Step up and lower the unemployment rate.
Step up and give workers a living wage.
Step up and help educate the children who will suffer when education is cut.
Step up and provide more on the job training, apprenticeships, and tuition assistance for your workers.
Step up and create ways to provide health care to our people that is affordable.


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