05 February 2012

Bare Economics

What do I need
health care?

How am I going to get it
make it myself,
make it with others,
buy it from someone else,
get someone else to do it for me?

If I provide something (including labor)
do I give it for free,
trade it for the price it cost to develop that commodity,
trade it for an equivalent commodity (determined by the negotiating parties),
trade it for the price of living,
trade it for a profit?

If I get capital from others to create something
do I get it for free
do I pay it back in a lump sum
do I pay it back in installments
do I pay it back with interest
do I allow them to get a portion of the profits of my creation?

If I pay for something
do I allow the creator to set the price
do I set the price
do I pay for what it cost to make the product?

If I get something
keep it to myself,
share it with others,
get only as much as I need at the time,
get enough to save some for later,
get some for now and throw away the rest?

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