I agree that the debt is out of control. I know that there are wasteful, fraudulent, and abused government programs that need to be scrutinized.
I agree that the government is sometimes inefficient.
I have no problem with budget cuts.
My problem is with irresponsible cuts. There are people who rely on these services. What alternatives do they have?
Shouldn't you make sure there are private services that are truly affordable and viable before you cut a government program?
Shouldn't you advertise these private services to the people as a better alternative so they don't feel like the rug has been snatched?
Wouldn't it be better to turn a program over to a private non-profit instead of just getting rid of it or cutting it to the point where it is more ineffective?
Responsible budget cuts are not contracting. It is not responsible for the government to pay a contractor to do work. That leads to fraud, waste, and abuse.
It is not responsible to just cut funding or completely cut a program.
It's not responsible just assuming that charities, churches, and non profits will take up the slack.
It's calling out to private enterprises. Determining if they can support all clients and services and ensuring that they can provide better services.
Make it easier for compassionate individuals to build businesses that cater to those who will suffer when government programs are cut.
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