12 November 2016

Domestic Policy

policy decisions should be made collectively with support of everyone who may be affected by the outcome of the decision. vs Unilateralism

decisions are best made when everyone has a say. vs Elitism

the government should not undermine the rights and privacy of its citizens under the guise of national security. vs security

administrative power and decision making should be handled at the local level and serve the best interests of the local community. vs Centralization

“Small Government”
the government is overly bureaucratic, inefficient, and wasteful. vs Big Government

Patriot Act
Do you support the Patriot Act? 
No, and pass strict laws prohibiting any government surveillance

Affirmative Action
Do you support affirmative action programs? 
I support equal opportunity
quotas are business way of saying they don't think a minority is good enough so they have to force themselves to hire them.
It prevents them from putting the work in of actively searching for qualified minority candidates.

Gun Control
Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun? 
Extend car ownership laws to guns.
Yes, but only by closing the gun show loophole
All guns need to be registered. Any time a gun transfers ownership, the new owner should transfer registration

Campaign Finance
Should corporations and unions (Super PACs) be allowed to donate to political candidates? 
yes, All donations to candidates should be transparent and reported

Term Limits
Should there be term limits set for members of Congress? 

Should the redrawing of Congressional districts be controlled by an independent, non-partisan commission? 
Yes, gerrymandering gives an unfair advantage to the party in power during redistricting

Net Neutrality
Should internet service providers be allowed to speed up access to popular websites (that pay higher rates) at the expense of slowing down access to less popular websites (that pay lower rates)? 
No, this would allow them to remove competition, create artificial scarcity, and increase prices
Honestly, in order for this to work, internet access should be public, not private.

Edward Snowden
Should the U.S. government grant immunity to Edward Snowden? 
Yes, he should be protected under the Whistleblower Protection Act

Nsa Domestic Surveillance
Should the NSA (National Security Agency) be allowed to collect basic metadata of citizen’s phone calls such as numbers, timestamps, and call durations? 
No, only with a warrant showing probable cause of criminal activity

Eminent Domain
Should the government be allowed to seize private property, with reasonable compensation, for public or civic use? 
No, and the government should never be allowed to seize private property

Iphone Encryption
Should Apple unlock the iPhones of suspected terrorists for the FBI? 
No, backdoors can expose innocent owners to malicious hackers
If the government wants information so bad, they have hackers on staff.

Should the Senate hold hearings and a vote on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee? 
Yes, the Senate should follow their Constitutional responsibility

Muslim Surveillance
Should local police increase surveillance and patrol of Muslim neighborhoods? 
No, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion

Government involvement in domestic affairs
All issues should be solved at the lowest level possible
Then through Non government organizations/charities/non profits
Then through local government
Then through state government
Then through federal government

Health care coverage
The main source of health care coverage should be from adequate wages
look into why health care costs so much
private insurance…
There should be a voluntary government option
if you cannot afford private health insurance
govt health care or
govt health insurance

government benefits
should be community service program
The mantra is create jobs.
How about freeing up resources to allow people to support themselves and their communities

Government waste/inefficient
there are better ways
dealing with issues on local and private levels
What should the government be doing
what the constitution says it should do
With full consent of the people

govt aid to poor
should be community service
basic needs have to be met
how are those needs met
by community
through work

those in need
helped by community
not government

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