12 November 2016

Foreign Policy

we should focus attention on our most pressing issues at home instead of involving ourselves in non-threatening issues abroad. As opposed to imperialism

globalization is necessary in order to increase the economic strength, prosperity, and standard of living of the nation. As opposed to protectionism
I don't begrudge a company the right to operate in several countries. I do recognize that this is imperialism. These corporations find ways to get around laws. They strip resources from locals and misuse labor. Not allowing a laborer the ability to fully provide for their families and communities.

we should use non-violent diplomatic discussion to resolve conflicts.

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel? 
No, we should be less involved
Concentrate on human rights violations.
Concentrate on diplomacy

United Nations
Should the U.S. remain in the United Nations? 
Yes, and use the U.N. peacekeeping forces to protect our interests

Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights? 
Yes, give them a fair trial and shut down Guantanamo Bay
Constitutional rights to a fair trial are international human rights

Should the military fly drones over foreign countries to gain intelligence and kill suspected terrorists? 
No, the military has no right to do so without a Congressional declaration of war
Government should not be able to kill anyone unless it is in self defense or the defense of others.

Nsa Surveillance
Should the U.S. continue NSA surveillance of its allies?
No, spying on our allies severely damages our reputation abroad

War On Isis
Should the U.S. formally declare war on ISIS? 
No, we should not legitimize ISIS as a sovereign entity
They are international organised criminals and should be treated as such. Mafia.

Do you support President Obama’s move to lift the trade and travel embargo on Cuba? 

Foreign Aid
Should the government increase or decrease foreign aid spending? 
Foreign aid should Not in the form of money. Food, infrastructure
Foreign aid should be headed and funded by non-government organizations

Syrian Refugees
Should the U.S. accept refugees from Syria? 
Yes, but only after extensive background checks and continuous monitoring to ensure they have no terrorist connections
Use them to help solve issue in Syria

Russian Airstrikes In Syria
Should the U.S. prevent Russia from conducting airstrikes in Syria? 
No, we should let the Russians take out ISIS
We should watch closely and act if Russia violates human rights

Isis Ground Troops
Should the government send in ground troops to fight ISIS? 
No, not until they attack us on U.S. soil

Military Spending
Should the government increase or decrease military spending? 
Government should audit the military budget. Money is being mismanaged.

Mandatory Military Service
Should every 18 year old citizen be required to provide at least one year of military service? 
No, service should be a choice instead of an obligation
Public Service should be a requirement to receive any government assistance

Overthrow Of Assad
Should the U.S. overthrow President Assad of Syria? 
only if we join an international coalition
only after the decision is made internationally

North Korea Military Strikes
Should the government conduct military strikes against North Korea in order to destroy their long-range missile and nuclear weapons capabilities? 
No, and I am not convinced that North Korea has or is capable of developing a long-range nuclear missile
only use violence against North Korea if they become an immediate threat. Show Opportunity, capability, and intent.

Guantanmo Bay
Should the U.S. close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba? 
Yes, and it is unconstitutional to indefinitely hold suspected terrorists without trial

Should the military be allowed to use enhanced interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, to gain information from suspected terrorists? 
No, torture is inhumane, unethical, and violates the 8th amendment

Should our country defend other NATO countries that maintain low military defense budgets relative to their GDP? 
Yes, and refusing to defend other NATO countries sets a dangerous precedent for the balance of global power

Should the U.S. provide military assistance to defend Ukraine from Russia? 
No, we should pursue diplomatic options instead

Should the government provide military aid to Saudi Arabia during its conflict with Yemen? 
No, we should stay out of conflicts that are not an immediate threat to our security

U.S involvement in foreign affairs
only if asked to help
do not give arms to others
violence only in self defense and defense of others

military force
only in self defense or defense of others
use diplomacy first and always

intervene with diplomacy when asked
ensure peace through diplomacy

no efforts to replace governments
unless government oppresses people
and majority of people ask for help

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