You can't have it both ways.
Raising children is a full time job. Providing for a family is a full time job also.
There are a few men out there who are willing to take the role of the stay at home dad; but they are few and far between. Women are out making a living.
Now children are being raised by daycare centers or the nanny.
Research shows that children in single family households (with father or mother) fair worse than those with two parents;
this is because a single parent cannot provide the attention a child needs, so they can learn how to function properly in society. This is also true of two working parents.
Children are human beings. Human beings learn by example. You can't leave them to their own devices and hope for the best; more than likely chaos will ensue.
I've seen too many adults say they wouldn't have made the mistakes that they made if their parents had paid more attention.
The daycare worker or the nanny don't love your child. Children must be surrounded by loving adults at all times.
So I ask, who is able to stay at home with their children while the other parent makes enough to support the entire family?
What's more, what providers can come home soon enough to enjoy time at home with the family before the kids have to go to sleep?
This is not a post against single mothers. Child neglect can occur in a two parent household.
I've heard fathers say that they just let the mother nurture the children because as men, well, they're not wired that way.
I hope they realize they are doing a great disservice to their children; especially their daughters. Men need to start spending some real intimate time with their children. You wonder why your daughter is dating a jerk; because all she saw was how a man can go to work, make money, eat, and sleep. Funny how fathers flee when a girl is going through puberty. Realize that your input is just as important as her mother's. You are a great influence on who she is going to end up with when she seeks relationships.
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