I don't think I'm asking much when I expect our representatives to do their jobs. Maybe we have conflicting views on what their job is.
I may be generalizing; but I thought it had something to do with forming "a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity". Frankly, I don't see that happening.
I see a lot of rich dudes (and chicks) arguing over some bullshit; but nothing getting done.
Maybe I'm a bit delusional. I think that when everyone has a home, a job, good healthcare, food on the table, and a secure future after retirement, then we can worry about who swore an oath on the Quran.
I'm thinking about writing to my representatives and basically telling them that if ever I catch them in the media blabbering about some crap that doesn't secure my rights, they'll lose my vote.
Or, that in their next campaign, if I hear anything besides how they're going to secure my life, liberty and property, they can forget it. That means bashing their opponent and telling me what a great person they are.
I'll add giving me some emotional crap about the problems in our country and how you're going to solve it; but never telling me What you're going to do.
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