20 December 2009

The Four Immeasurables

The Brahma-Viharas
The Four Sublime States

May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes,
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes,
May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss without suffering,
May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger.

  • Love or Loving-kindness (metta)
  • Compassion (karuna)
  • Sympathetic Joy (mudita)
  • Equanimity (upekkha)

The Four Immeasurables

Brahma-Vihara Foundation

The Four Immeasurables

Buddhist Studies (Secondary) The Four Immeasurables

The Four Immeasurables

The Four Sublime States

Berzin, Alexander (2005). The Four Immeasurable Attitudes in Hinayana, Mahayana, and Bon

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