If God didn't want gay people to have children, he/she would have made gay people infertile.
Marriage has evolved throughout time. Marriage in 2008 is not the same as it was in 1908 or 1708; and that's a good thing. I'm not a big fan of marriage and I'm hoping it will evolve into something better.
Family has evolved too. And family is very entrenched in culture. Families around the world don't look the same or act the same.
I hope people have evolved also. Meaning evolved out of predetermined gender roles. It'd be nice if parents can raise their children to believe in themselves. To express themselves (like allowing boys to cry). To pursue their dreams (like their daughter who wants to play football).
Then when two people come together to create a family, they can cooperate based on their individual strengths and not some "role" they think they're supposed to fill even if they don't excel in that role.
In other words... be yourself, not what others tell you to be. You know your strengths. Use them instead of trying to develop some skills that feel unnatural to you.
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