20 December 2009

Zen precepts

The Three Treasures

I take refuge in the Buddha
I take refuge in the Dharma
I take refuge in the Sangha

I take refuge in the Buddha
The incomparably honored one
I take refuge in the Dharma, honorable for its purity
I take refuge in the Sangha, honorable for its harmony

I have taken refuge in the Buddha
I have taken refuge in the Dharma
I have taken refuge in the Sangha

The Three Pure Precepts

  1. Not Creating Evil
  2. Practicing Good
  3. Actualizing Good For Others

The Ten Grave Precepts

  1. Affirm life; Do not kill
  2. Be giving; Do not steal
  3. Honor the body; Do not misuse sexuality
  4. Manifest truth; Do not lie
  5. Proceed clearly; Do not cloud the mind
  6. See the perfection; Do not speak of others
    errors and faults
  7. Realize self and other as one; Do not elevate the self and blame others
  8. Give generously; Do not be withholding
  9. Actualize harmony; Do not be angry
  10. Experience the intimacy of things; Do not
    defile the Three Treasures

Receiving the Zen Precepts
3 Versions of the Zen Precepts
16 Practises of a Zen Peacemaker

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