"Knowing you don't know is wholeness. Thinking you know is a disease. Only by recognizing that you have an illness can you move to seek a cure." -Lao Tzu
02 December 2014
k-12 solution?
01 December 2014
Exploitation questions
22 November 2014
Deep thought
Bigotry is a result of Fear and it is impervious to data
Replace fear with relationships
Paraphrasing Reza Aslan
11 November 2014
Truth and consequences
Is it necessary in our communities?
Does every violation of life, liberty and property need to be handled in court?
Does every injustice need to go to trial?
If a person does not go to trial, does that mean that person is innocent?
Beyond a reasonable doubt is crucial in a court of law.
But, that does not negate a society from enacting consequences for actions outside of the law.
Many people who have been violated do not choose to involve the law. That does not mean their violator is innocent. Nor does it mean that the violator should not face any consequences for their actions.
Simple rule for human interaction
27 October 2014
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
Deep Thought
23 October 2014
18 October 2014
The Real Job Creators
Who sets the standards for S&D?
I have a product and I create 100 units. I sell 10. Do I create 100 more to increase demand? No. I decrease my output or change my product.
If I create 100 units and sell out in a day, I create more. What if I can't do it by myself? I lose money. So, I have to hire someone else to help me make it. The goal is to profit off of their labor. I will not pay them more than what I would make from the sells of the items they create. That would be stupid.
Let's go back to the first scenario of loss. Would I hire someone else to help me make the extra units even if I only sold 10 of the first? No, that would be a waste of money.
Two labor rules
Employers don't hire anyone unless they have to.
The only reason they would have to is if the labor would stand to make a profit.
A person will only hire you if they can make a profit off of you.
An employer is not going to make a profit if no one is buying their product.
Some say an investor is a job creator. Not so. They provide capital for the work you need. If there is no need for more labor, that investment will not go to labor costs.
So, back to the question of setting standards for S&D.
It is the demand that sets the standards. Who creates the demand?
If there is no demand, there is no need for a supply. There is no need for more labor if there is no need for a supply because there is no demand.
Consumers are the real job creators.
13 October 2014
Purpose of School
07 October 2014
Deep Thought
― Albert Einstein
05 October 2014
The bad neighborhood
04 October 2014
Such a bad idea
BUT, there are some things that aren't a really good idea. As in, it's bound to end up bad. Maybe not all of the time; but enough for me not to support it.
Bad idea:
Sperm banks.
I understand that there are some men who are not fertile and there are some women who don't want a man in their lives.
BUT, Why wouldn't you want a child to have a healthy father figure in their lives?
Why couldn't you find a donor and build at least a friendship with them?
Why would you want to father a child and not have any responsibility for it? Not want to even know it?
It's the anonymity that bothers me the most. I know men donate for whatever reasons, honorable or not.
Just don't get the idea of having a child in the world and having no interest in them.
Or not really knowing the father of your child.
26 September 2014
The real first law of economics
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need
Morelly 1755
Code of Nature
Another perspective
24 September 2014
Commission based economy
12 September 2014
Promote the General Welfare
I could add transportation and access to information.
These are things that one can give themselves (all resting on education). More likely, these are things they get from someone else.
Should they have all access to these things? Equal to everyone else in society? Or should they have access according to their ability to compensate?
Should the person providing these services be forced to provide the service to all (even if they do not want to provide the service to some or any). Or should society allow a larger market of providers?
The holder of a negative right is entitled to non-interference,
while the holder of a positive right is entitled to provision of some good or service.
06 September 2014
Take the first step
Especially military intervention in foreign countries.
But it also goes for protection in your own home. Or assistance for housing and food.
Any able bodied American can raise money and procure transportation to fight the fights they want to.
We are able to change our economic structure by supporting ourselves. Refuse to work for and buy from corporations that disrespect us as workers and consumers
Any community is able to support it's people.
All without the government.
05 September 2014
Healthy fear of relationships?
04 September 2014
Your opinion isn't as important as you think it is
Grown ass people don't have to take your advice
Most don't want it
No matter how bad you think someone else is fucking up. It's not your place. You don't have enough information to make informed decisions about other people's lives.
It's not your job to instruct/police/reprimand other grown ass people
Let people live their lives and make their mistakes
Personal responsibility
If anything, live by example
be the change...
Set boundaries for yourself
Protect yourself
Change comes from within.
Lessons come from the family and community.
Who are you to tell grown ass people how to live their lives?
When you see other people making decisions you don't like, look at your own life
20 August 2014
All in the interpretation
17 August 2014
Deep Thought
16 August 2014
The problem with democracy
We have never seen pure democracy
The USA is a plutocracy. A plutocratic republic
People are naturally biased.
People are going to vote their own interests
or their own fantasies
They believe their interests are what is best for others
Or they don't give a fuck about other people
When people vote on an issue
They don't necessarily go the way of equality, freedom, and justice for all
Bias isn't a danger to democracy
Lack of critical thinking is the danger
Bias is human nature. It's how our brain works
We have to realize that we can't combat bias
We need to understand that we are naturally going to find things and support things that promote our ideas
I am going to have a hard time looking at and swallowing things that go against my ideas.
We need to come to this realization and get passed it.
We need to take all the sources of biased information and investigate them
Then We can go on to making informed decisions
*original post 2012-02-16 14:51
*2012-03-20 10:52
15 August 2014
Real liberty
14 August 2014
Deep Thought
John Kennedy
12 August 2014
No Asshole
Remember these three things
No one cares what you think
You're not as important as you think you are
On average, You're just as stupid as everyone else
09 August 2014
Who knows what Jesus really said?
02 August 2014
Who knows what Jesus really said
29 July 2014
To Answer The Proposal
Thomas Sowell
Intentional misunderstanding of question.
A policy is created to address a valid issue.
Policy is not synonymous with a fire.
A disastrous policy is using gasoline to put out fire. The replacement is water.
To address the question,
It would behoove all of us to ensure that everyone in this nation is healthy and can make informed decisions.
We have to decide what 'healthy' entails and how we have to decide how we can guarantee that.
The same goes for informed decision making.
The government has proven that it is ill informed about all of the above.
The alternative is for the people to decide what they need.
The alternative is empowerment and community
27 July 2014
The only people there were CIA agents
Benghazi was a CIA operation that went bad
The people they were dealing with or the enemy of the people they were dealing with, used an inflammatory video to attack the consulate (read: CIA post).
The CIA called more CIA agents to help.
You don't call in the military into a CIA operation when they don't know anything about it.
The government is not going to tell the public about a failed CIA operation.
18 July 2014
Sexist thought of the day
Then they get mad because women are held to lower standards.
Then when women try to reach higher standards, men laugh at them or tell them to stop trying because they think women are supposed to be inferior.
Or men are disgusted/outraged because they think the women are trying to be manly...
Hence the reason you should do whatever the fuck you want
and set whatever goals you want for yourself
Realize you're probably going to fight for what you want.
And when you reach your goal, cherish those who supported you
and piss on those who tried to stop you by offering to help them reach their goals (don't worry, their pride will usually stop them from accepting your help).
and hold a moment of silence for those women who think women are inferior and don't support other women in reaching their goals.
I suck at sports
I can't be bothered to pay attention to other people.
I'm not about that life
12 July 2014
Deep Thought
Despite many claims to the contrary, life does not begin at conception: It is an unbroken chain that stretches back nearly to the origin of the Earth, 4.6 billion years ago. Nor doeshuman life begin at conception: It is an unbroken chain dating back to the origin of our species, tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago. Every human sperm and egg is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, alive. They are not human beings, of course. However, it could be argued that neither is a fertilized egg.
In some animals, an egg develops into a healthy adult without benefit of a sperm cell. But not, so far as we know, among humans. A sperm and an unfertilized egg jointly comprise the full genetic blueprint for a human being. Under certain circumstances, after fertilization, they can develop into a baby. But most fertilized eggs are spontaneously miscarried. Development into a baby is by no means guaranteed. Neither a sperm and egg separately, nor a fertilized egg, is more than a potential baby or a potential adult. So if a sperm and egg are as human as the fertilized egg produced by their union, and if it is murder to destroy a fertilized egg—despite the fact that it's only potentially a baby—why isn't it murder to destroy a sperm or an egg?
-Carl Sagan
25 June 2014
A true Republic
I'd like to change the voting system to be more representative
A person could petition for a seat and if they get the apportioned amount of signatures, they get a seat. And anyone can revoke their signature at any time. When the number of signatures goes below the apportioned amount, they lose their seat.
article 1
section 2
The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five and Georgia three.
Or what if, a person campaigned to be a representative in congress.
That person got 30,000 people to sign a contract with them. The contract stated that they would be the representative for that 30,000 people.
One argument is that congress would become too big
The efficiency of decision making goes down as the number of decision makers goes up
23 June 2014
Life of a politician
17 June 2014
Self sustainment
Then the community should be self sustaining.
Not relying on state or national governments, not relying on national corporations.
16 June 2014
No Truth in Your Media
What happened to true journalism?
What happened to the what, where, who, when, and how?
Now we have the pundit. People who rarely know what they are talking about but think everyone should care about their opinion.
The news exists, not for facts or truth, but for ratings and advertising.
Say what the people want to hear so they buy the stuff that is paying your salary.
And we are all left to do our own research, or more likely, not care anymore.
31 May 2014
Queerest of the queer
If you want people to come out of the closet, you're going to have to deal with the fact that most of them are not going to be like you.
The people coming out of the closet don't act like you, they don't like what you like, they don't look like you, they don't like your labels.
This is something older lesbians are going to have to get over.
You get pissed when women identify as lesbians but sleep with/kiss men. So no one wants to identify as lesbian anymore
you talk shit about/ostracize anyone who identifies as bisexual, so no one wants to identify as bisexual.
People are now in a place where they don't feel the need to identify as anything, they will get shit from all sides for whatever they choose to identify as.
Teenagers don't even know what the hell they are. They discover. They don't need a label. They don't need to act the way you want them to
25 May 2014
Am I hearing this right?
But if a man's own words are recorded by another, and that man loses his job. The person recording him is a worthless piece of shit and should be prosecuted to the fullest level.
capturing someone's face or actions or words, in any situation, is a violation (of rights).
18 May 2014
Deep Thought
02 May 2014
Foundation of the -isms
There are four foundations for the -isms.
The fourth one being power.
Maybe the most important reason I don't use the -ism words
Is privilege the same as power?
If you have no power over me, can you be a part of the -ists?
Or are you just an ignorant delusional asshole?
Realize that you are talking to people who think discrimination and prejudice are good things. And no one should be scorned for antagonism because...free speech
Now, If you call someone a racist, that means you are playing the race card and the issue you are actually addressing should be minimizes and disregarded.
Then the concentration should be on you and how you are the actual racist. And the person you called a racist is actually the one being oppressed (or just say something negative about black people. It's a good catchall.).
*previous post
I'm a little black and white about the -isms. Sexism, racism, ableism, heterosexism, etc.
When talking to people, I usually don't even use the -ism words.
I like to talk about the foundations.
For me, there are three foundations for the -isms.
Delusion (usually of grandeur). Actually, the basis of this delusion is usually fear.
and Assholes.
Ignorance you can fix. It's usually the fact that they haven't had much interaction with 'the other'(that they even think there is an 'other'). They believe what they've been told. They think the media speaks truth (big no-no). They rely on preconceived notions with little facts.
All curable with time and patience.
Delusion is a little harder. This is based on passed trauma (or conceived trauma) It might take some serious counseling. Their mindset might never change.
Then there's the asshole. You have to watch them and realize that they're not focused on the -isms. They're focused on hurting people or finding entertainment from people's suffering. I wouldn't recommend interacting with them. Call it what it is and move on.
*Last posted 5/16/11
01 May 2014
White Privilege = House Negro
I think, in order to get people to acknowledge their privilege, you have to show them how that privilege oppresses them.
Privilege is just that, privilege. Privilege is something that can be given and taken away by a more powerful force.
White privilege was given so that workers would be divided.
White privilege was given by the heads of private industry in order to prevent worker (slave) revolt
What's happening now, is that white people are seeing white privilege as the sham it is, but in a clouded mirror.
They see that white privilege is not real power.
We've never met the people with real power. The people who give white people their privilege and take it away.
The leaders of private industry have us so twisted that we still fight amongst ourselves when white people see that their privileges are being taken away.
What white people need to see now, is that the heads of industry don't need white privilege as much as they did back then.
We are successfully divided. They use class privilege now.
They don't need working white people to have more privilege because they have successfully created a global economy where they can oppress us and people in other countries.
They can use class and nationalism to divide people of the world.
So when white people talk about their current struggles (struggles that people of color have been going through for centuries before), they need to know that their privilege is being taken away. Because it's almost unnecessary.
The leaders of private industry have complete control over our government, our laws.
The leaders have created a culture where they can redistribute wealth to the wealthiest individuals and make us believe that the poor and people who can't find jobs are the ones threatening our prosperity.
And yet, institutional racism, the racism where a person of color is sent to jail with higher frequency, higher sentencing, less opportunity for jobs and housing when they get out of prison, is still working very well.
When white people get more government assistance, yet the face of welfare is black... we're successfully divided.
The seeds have been planted and the trees are fruitful
WE have fallen for the best strategy of the minority (wealthy) against the majority (working class).
Divide and Conquer
There is no need for an apology.
There's no need to be ashamed to be white
There is a need for seeing the part you play in a game you didn't create
There is a need to see that working class white people are pawns
You didn't create the game. and it's time to stop playing along
We're made to believe that marginalized groups had no true power to begin with. When really, their power was just systematically taken from them
and barriers people can easily overcome, or rather, traits about them have become barriers because we perceive them to be barriers.
All people are strong if they are allowed to find their strength and learn how that strength can be used in cooperation to form a better society
Patriarchy is still about providing false privilege to men by denying women access to the tools (and each other) that give them power.
It's still about this false premise that women are weaker or that being a woman is somehow a physical barrier to something
But when you look back on your childhood and the childhood of our ancestors, you see how men are given tools and training to develop their physical strength and women are not given those same tools.
You see the difference in physicality of the women who are given those tools at an early age.
The idea of women has the weaker sex is a lie. It's a product of male privilege that, like white privilege, can be given and taken away
patriarchy is still about power and control of the few over the many.
It's still about wealth. Patriarchy is about maintaining power and control over property, resources, people
The leaders just changed the nature of the game.
It's still divide and conquer.
It's easy to exploit perceived weaknesses. It's easy to convince a person they are weaker than others, even when they are not.
It's easy to exploit perceived weaknesses in an individual when you demonize cooperation.
An entire family who is oppressed by one man, because they are pitted against each other and don't realize that they can overcome that one man if they unite as a true family.
Physical and mental barriers are barriers because we refuse to cooperate.
We refuse to acknowledge the strength of those with perceived weaknesses.
Originally posted 3/14/11
26 April 2014
15 April 2014
From plantations to prisons
11 January 2014
take money out of science
accept the fact that everything you see/hear/read is shrouded in bullshit of some kind, to some degree
I would say to do your own experiments, but people have been known to bullshit themselves.
The pure scientific method works
But it's like the free market.
Ideally, it's great;
in reality, It doesn't work as well as you think it does.
When you add the human factor, things get screwed up
The best thing you can do is know what the bullshit filters are and try your best to remove them
Go straight to the source of the data and know how to interpret it. Don't let someone else interpret it for you.
And lastly, admit that you are going to believe what you want to believe, regardless.