short answer
prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.
Ensure every citizen has a job with a living wage.
Ensure every citizen has lifetime access to:
Healthy foods,
Safe, affordable housing and utilities,
Affordable healthcare.
Affordable transportation,
Affordable childcare.
Ensure every citizen has access to:
Health education that promotes healthy eating, exercise,
how to prevent unwanted pregnancies,
prevention of disease and infection.
Financial education that includes budgeting, saving, investing,
how to live debt free.
If not debt free, then how to get and maintain good credit.
Primary Education that focuses on reading, writing, arithmetics, and research techniques.
Teach Critical thinking skills needed to recognize factual information and use it to make informed decisions. Show children how to gather information from their community (including internet).
Teach people how to effectively present and debate factual information.
Have employers take responsibility for Vocational education that will give workers the tools/leverage needed to negotiate for the wages they want.
More on the job training and apprenticeship programs.
More business funded certification/licensing programs.
More industries/businesses providing guidance to colleges/universities on what courses to take to be successful in the job market.
Most of all, education that focuses on individuals. Looks at a person's situation and goals and tailors learning to them.
This means getting rid of standardized tests
and getting away from classrooms
Businesses who made record profits, outsourced or automated jobs,
gave their executives million dollar severances,
gave their CEOs salaries that are over 200 times that of the average worker,
Got government subsidies,
Didn't pay income taxes,
Laid off workers,
Cut wages and benefits,
Need to be ashamed of themselves.
They need to be held accountable for their part in our poverty rates.
If they don't do more to help america, we need to boycott them.
We need to promote local businesses that are actively involved in improving the lives of the people in their communities. Especially financial institutions.
Every citizen needs to get involved in their community.
Go to city council meetings.
Volunteer for charities and non-profits. Exercise rights guaranteed in the first amendment daily.
If you aren't going to be represented by your elected officials, represent yourself.
Hold businesses accountable every day.
And they need to release all non-violent drug Offenders and end this ridiculous war on drugs.
Replace our collective sense of self worth that consumerism stole from us. Businesses can't convince us to buy their crap if we know we are capable of producing things, accomplishing tasks by ourselves. We also need to know that we are beautiful without their product.
Ensure that the people have the resources and skills and network to provide for themselves and their communities
Create Self sufficient communities
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