Ethical capitalism, socialism, and Communism are all theories that haven't worked in practice. The only cases of half-ass success were on a very small scale and didn't last long.
Power always seems find its way into the hands of a few people.
The most successful large economies use a mixture of them all.
It doesn't matter what party you put in there. Doesn't matter what economic system you have.
I don't even advocate for third party candidates any more. If they aren't bought out by the wealthy, they're constrained by them.
If the people aren't represented, then they will be oppressed.
Our elected officials don't represent the people. Their real constituents are the corporations.
Our government has always been a strong arm against revolution. The wealthy restrain themselves when they realize their practices aren't good for business.
Voting isn't the only way to participate in government, it's not even the best way. Using our rights guaranteed in the first amendment work everyday, not just election day.
We're partially in this mess because only 60% of people voting age actually vote during a presidential election. That drops to around 30% during midterm elections. That's not democracy.
Then, corporations lobby and insert their people into government positions that control policy.
Boots is right on the only thing that works with the wealthy is protest. Whether it be strikes, boycotts, letters, exposure to the press, etc. They listen when you fuck with their profits.
The only real change occurs when the people come together.
The wealthy's winning hand is divide and conquer. They oppress us and get us to fight with each other. Telling us that poor people, immigrants, or other minorities are the cause of the problems they create.
They get away with shit because they've conned us into thinking we can't live without their product. As long as they can make a profit off of enough suckers buying their crap, they'll do whatever they want.
That points to their other winning strategy which is lowering our collective self worth.
Workers and consumers need to unite to overcome all this bullshit.
I'd like to see a society where the people actually create and consent to the laws and economics that affect our lives.
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